Helicobacter pylori detection test kit


Helicobacter pylori detection test kit

Origin and importance

H. pylori‘s helical cell shape promotes the motility in the high viscosity with corkscrew-like motion, the role of this shape in tissue infiltration and pathogenicity is still unclear. H. pylori can be found in the stomachs of up to 50% of the world’s population. In Thailand, the incidence of infection is approximately 57%. Diagnostic testing to find infection in patients is therefore important. The research team therefore devised a test kit for detecting H. pylori that is efficient, inexpensive, and can confirm that it is a live virus because only live bacteria can cause disease.


The test kit is a Petridis. Consists of semi-solid medium is based on the formulation to detect H. pylori. For testing the production of the urease enzyme of H. pylori and bromothymol blue as an indicator. The efficiency of the medium is based on the ability of H. pylori to migrate through the selective medium ahead of competing Gram-negative, motile organisms, thus producing opaque halos of growth. Antibiotics, low pH, and high magnesium chloride concentration inhibit the growth of Gram-positive flora.

Advantages / Highlights

1. A powerful test kit.
2. A rapid and accurate colorimetric method for 6 hours
3. Reduce the cost of importing expensive equipment from abroad

Name of researcher/school of study

Name of researcher : Asst. Prof. Dr. Sueptrakool Wisessombat,
School of Allied Health Sciences

Intellectual property type

Petty patent, application number 2403000075

Support Funds

This study was supported by grant WU65501 from Research and Innovation Institute of Excellence, Walailak University.

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